Excerpt From The Time Machine Commonlit Answers

Excerpt from the time machine commonlit answers – Delving into “Excerpt from The Time Machine” CommonLit Answers, this exploration immerses readers in a unique and compelling narrative that delves into profound themes of time, identity, and the complexities of society. H.G. Wells’s iconic work offers a captivating glimpse into the nature of humanity and the consequences of scientific advancement.

Through the lens of the Time Traveler’s extraordinary journey, we embark on an introspective examination of our own existence, the fragility of time, and the intricate tapestry of human civilization.

Summary of the Excerpt

The excerpt introduces the protagonist, a Victorian scientist, and his groundbreaking invention: a time machine. Driven by curiosity and a desire to witness the future, he embarks on a perilous journey through time, landing in the year 802,701.

The future he encounters is vastly different from his own, characterized by advanced technology, societal harmony, and a profound connection with nature. However, beneath the idyllic surface lies a darker undercurrent, hinting at a potential conflict between the Eloi and the Morlocks.

Literary Devices and Techniques

Excerpt from the time machine commonlit answers

Wells employs various literary devices to create a vivid and immersive experience:

Metaphors and Similes

  • The Time Traveler is likened to “a creature of another species,” emphasizing his displacement in time.
  • The Eloi are described as “children,” suggesting their childlike innocence and vulnerability.


  • The description of the “pale dawn” and “white vapors” conveys a sense of mystery and otherworldliness.
  • The “silent, beautiful city” contrasts with the bustling metropolis the Time Traveler left behind, highlighting the passage of time.


  • The Time Traveler’s observation of the “white, featureless” face of the Eloi hints at a hidden darkness.
  • The mention of “faint traces of humanity” in the Morlocks foreshadows their potential as a threat.

Historical and Cultural Context

The excerpt reflects the Victorian era’s fascination with science and progress. Wells’ depiction of a utopian future is influenced by contemporary beliefs in the inevitability of social and technological advancement.

However, the excerpt also reveals anxieties about the potential consequences of unchecked scientific progress. The Morlocks, representing the dangers of industrialization, serve as a warning against the unchecked pursuit of material wealth.

Themes and Symbolism: Excerpt From The Time Machine Commonlit Answers

Excerpt from the time machine commonlit answers

The Passage of Time

The excerpt explores the theme of the passage of time, highlighting its transformative power and the ephemeral nature of human existence.

Social Inequality

The division between the Eloi and the Morlocks symbolizes social inequality, reflecting concerns about class conflict during the Victorian era.

Nature and Technology

The contrast between the natural beauty of the future and the artificiality of the time machine raises questions about the relationship between nature and technology.

Characterization and Development

The Time Traveler

The Time Traveler is a complex and driven individual. His scientific curiosity and desire for adventure lead him to embark on a perilous journey through time.

The Eloi

The Eloi are a childlike and carefree people, seemingly living in harmony with nature. However, their innocence and vulnerability hint at a deeper fragility.

The Morlocks, Excerpt from the time machine commonlit answers

The Morlocks are mysterious and potentially dangerous creatures, representing the dark side of the future. Their existence foreshadows a potential conflict between the Eloi and the Morlocks.

Comparison to Other Works

Excerpt from the time machine commonlit answers

The excerpt from The Time Machine shares similarities with other Victorian science fiction works, such as:

H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds

  • Both works explore the potential consequences of unchecked scientific progress.
  • Both feature a conflict between humans and an advanced alien race.

Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

  • Both works feature a journey to a previously unexplored realm.
  • Both works raise questions about the relationship between humanity and nature.


What is the significance of the Time Traveler’s journey?

The Time Traveler’s journey serves as a metaphor for the passage of time and the transformative power of experience. It allows him to witness the evolution and decline of civilizations, gaining a profound understanding of the cyclical nature of history.

How does the novel explore the theme of identity?

The Time Traveler’s experiences challenge his sense of self and identity. As he travels through different time periods, he encounters contrasting societal norms and values, forcing him to confront his own biases and assumptions.

What social and political issues are addressed in the excerpt?

The excerpt touches upon themes of class inequality, social Darwinism, and the dangers of scientific hubris. Wells critiques the social stratification and exploitation prevalent in Victorian society, while also cautioning against the potential consequences of unchecked technological advancement.

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